2024 Girls Golf Schedule

Date  Day Time Course  Teams
Aug 07 Wed 10:00 AM Little Scioto South Webster, Minford
Aug 08 Thu 9:00 AM Franklin Valley Jackson
Aug 15 Thu 4:00 PM Little Scioto South Webster, Minford
Aug 19 Mon 4:00 PM Franklin Valley Eastern
Aug 27 Tues 4:00 PM Little Scioto (SOC) All SOC Teams
Aug 29 Thu 4:30 PM Franklin Valley Minford, Waverly
Sep 10 Tue 4:30 PM Franklin Valley Jackson
Sep 17 Tue 2:00 PM Portsmouth Elks (SOC) All SOC Teams
Sep 24 Tue 9:00 AM Cliffside (Sectional) TBA

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July 2024
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